St Stephen’s Episcopal School 2020-2021 Tuition and Fee Schedule

CLASS                                                       TOTAL TUITION & FEES

 PreK 3 (3 by Sept 1) / PreK 4 (4 by Sept 1)                                                       

·      Part-time (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)                          $5,000

·      Full-time (5 Days a Week)                                                     $7,500         

Kindergarten                                                                               $8,000         

 Grades 1st – 8th                                                                        $8,500         

Other Fees

·      Returning Student – Re-Registration Fee (1st child)                  $250

·      New Student – Application Fee                                                  $250

·      New Student – One Time Campus Use Fee (due upon acceptance) $500                                          



BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE       7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Monthly     $150

BEFORE SCHOOL CARE ONLY       drop off no earlier than 7:00 a.m.

Daily           $5 

AFTER SCHOOL CARE ONLY          3:20-5:30 p.m.

Daily           $10 per hour 

*Minimum charge is one hour*


There will be an additional charge of $5 per minute for pick-up after 5:30 p.m.   The extremely high charge for late pick-up is to ensure that our employees can get home to their families at a reasonable hour.  Habitual late arrival for pick-up will result in termination of this service for the family. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation.

Enrollment and Payment Guidelines

Payment may be made: 

1. Full by June 15th (less $250 Registration Fee)

2. Two payments by June 15th and January 15th

3. Ten monthly payments, June 15th through March 15th via Smart Tuition. 

The School’s tuition management provider (  

Limited financial assistance is available.  An Application for Financial Aid must be submitted online through Smart Tuition Aid (  All necessary documentation must be submitted before a family will be considered for financial assistance. 

A family’s financial account with the School must be current as of May 30 for the student’s place to be held for the upcoming year.  A student will not be allowed to start school in the fall with a delinquent account.

No tuition refunds are available for students/families who sign contracts, unless the contract is contingent upon receiving a financial aid award.  No student records, including report cards, achievement test results, teacher reports, or letters of reference, will be released until all accounts are settled through the St. Stephen’s Business Office. 

Only families who begin school after the end of the First Quarter will be allowed to pro-rate tuition. 

Re-Registration or Application Fee may be waived for Military dependents, Fire/Police/EMS; verification required