Admissions Process
Step 1: Complete an Inquiry Form
Step 2: Call the office, 512-847-9857, to schedule a tour of our campus and ask additional questions!
Applications are accepted year round. Applicants whose files are complete by March 1 receive priority consideration for the places available for fall enrollment. After the March 1 deadline, St. Stephen's considers applications on a rolling admissions basis. When all spaces are filled, qualified candidates are put in the Waiting Pool for consideration should openings occur at a later date. Parents of the applicant will be notified of the Admission Committee decision. No student is excluded on the basis of race, gender, creed or national origin. There is a limited amount of financial assistance available to qualifying families.
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
St. Stephen's Episcopal School offers financial aid to enrolled students on the basis of economic need as determined by the Financial Aid Committee of the Board of Trustees. There is a limited amount of financial assistance available to qualifying families.